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Mexican consumers are more enthusiastic about shopping. How can cross-border e-commerce sellers optimize their logistics solutions to seize the market?
Post Date:2024-01-20    Clicks:113

cross-border e-commerce

Recently, McKinsey released the results of the 2023 Mexican Consumer Survey, which conducted interviews with more than 1,000 Mexican consumers of different income groups. The survey shows that 30% of Mexican consumers expect their financial situation to be better this year than last year. After the economy becomes more comfortable, consumers will naturally be more willing to spend.

According to relevant data, the actual expenditure of Mexican consumers in 2022 will increase by 6.5% year-on-year. In addition, the proportion of consumers who are optimistic about Mexico’s economic prospects has increased to 46%, a significant increase from 44% and 31% in the previous two years.

cross-border e-commerce

As consumers become more optimistic about the economy, their reliance on e-commerce channels has also deepened. 17% of respondents said that they conduct most or all of their shopping online, which is slightly improved from the previous 15%. . In addition, many categories have gradually entered the fast lane of sales growth, among which the growth rate of cosmetics, consumer electronics, toys and baby products is particularly obvious.

cross-border e-commerce

Overall, Mexican consumers’ demand for consumption, especially online shopping, has begun to pick up this year, which is a good sign.

For external cross-border e-commerce sellers, the second half of each year is the peak sales season for export cross-border e-commerce. When sellers actively cope with the peak season of cross-border e-commerce, logistics problems are also an insurmountable gap. When the shipment volume is large, problems such as warehouse explosion, delay, and package loss will occur. If you want to avoid and respond in a timely manner, you need to make a logistics plan in advance. For sellers, there are three logistics model options: domestic direct shipping, platform overseas warehouses, and third-party overseas warehouses.

The domestic direct shipping model has a long logistics time, but requires less capital, no inventory pressure, and returns risks. It is more suitable for customized products and trial sales; whether it is a platform overseas warehouse or a third-party overseas warehouse, It does have an absolute advantage in terms of logistics timeliness. The cost of using a third-party overseas warehouse to deliver goods will be lower than that of the platform’s overseas warehouse, but the platform’s traffic will be more skewed towards sellers who use the platform’s overseas warehouse. Both delivery models have inventory risks, so sellers must combine sales with sales. Preparing for the expected situation in the second half of this year, we cannot blindly ship goods and cause inventory backlog.

Combined with the sales situation and logistics support advantages, when it comes to the choice of delivery mode, more sellers prefer to use third-party overseas warehouses for delivery.

Choose a reliable logistics service provider

During the peak season in the second half of the year, under the background of limited transportation capacity and huge demand, international express freight price increases and delays will be inevitable. Sellers should make logistics plans in advance and choose reliable international logistics companies to avoid huge impacts on logistics and shipments during peak seasons.

In terms of logistics service providers, you need to find reliable logistics service providers. Reliability here refers to strong cargo handling capabilities. When sellers choose Mexican logistics, they need to comprehensively consider the company’s size, services provided, price and timeliness, personnel professionalism, etc. It is more secure to choose a more powerful cross-border logistics company.

Starspeed Latin America is headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, and has successively set up branches in Mexico and Chile. It has built a Shenzhen Longgang warehouse domestically, and has established overseas warehouses with 12,000 square meters of warehousing supporting services in Mexico, Chile and other countries and regions. Professional teams have been established at home and abroad to provide customers with quality services. Own delivery vehicles reduce the possibility of cargo delays and ensure timely delivery of goods.

Choose a stable logistics channel

In the logistics process, we need to pay attention to logistics channels and logistics service providers. In terms of logistics channels, many logistics channels will be affected during peak seasons, but there are also some logistics channels with strong capacity and good channel stability that will be less affected.

Starspeed Latin America has reached strategic cooperation with major Latin American shipping companies, booking space directly with major shipping companies, with stable shipping space, fixed weekly shipping schedules for grouping and full container loading, and stable timeliness.

Choose overseas warehouse for delivery

Cross-border sellers prepare goods in advance from overseas warehousing, which can save the time required for customs declaration and clearance. The overseas warehouse model can transform traditional international delivery into local delivery, ensuring that goods reach consumers faster, safer, and more accurately, thus Speed up the timeliness of logistics. This is very applicable during the peak season of foreign trade.

The Mexican overseas warehouse is located in Mexico City, with an overseas warehouse area of 10,000 square meters. The Chilean overseas warehouse is located in Santiago, with an overseas warehouse area of 2,000 square meters. The warehouse uses high-level shelves + PDA + full warehouse monitoring and management. The warehouse park has 24-hour all-round security. In order to create an intelligent standard overseas warehouse, we independently develop an overseas warehouse system and provide a convenient and visual WMS+OMS system.